It is through the Citizens’ Advocates’ network which was founded in 1996, that Cittadinanzattiva (Active citizenship) is involved in consumer policy and particularly in public utilities (insurance services, bank and postal services, water, electricity and gas, transport, telecommunications), public administration, environment and waste management, renewable energy, rates and prices, quality and civic participation in local public services.

In each of the aforementioned areas political initiatives are promoted, as well as planning activities, information spreading campaigns and other actions that outline a new approach to the role of consumers and customers: a role that tends to go beyond the idea of “delegating” one’s own responsibility on the part of the citizen towards consumer organizations, instead favouring a total involvement in the accessibility, quality and running of the services. Indeed the intention is to supply the citizen with the procedures and instruments to protect and assert their own rights.
In other words, we are working towards safeguarding rights and promoting civic participation in relations between citizens, public administration, and public utilities, and we have been inspired by the principles found in the Citizens’ Charter for Consumers’ Rights.


Cittadinanzattiva has also renewed its commitment to basic themes such as conciliation, civic evaluation, rates and prices, renewable energy, civic analysis of contracts, etc.
