On the issue of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, often we tend to think that the problem only depend on economic and political decisions of the great institutions and governments. In fact anyone can do much to break down about 30% of its personnel charge acting on the minimization of wastage without substantially reduce its own level of well-being and instead reducing their energy bills. To this first awareness, Cittadinanzattiva combines three other:

  • The theme in question is so vast that it cannot be addressed in a sectorial way but in a transversal way: it concerns energy policies such as housing, a new culture of sustainable mobility as - more generally - a more socially responsible approach from companies. Therefore, it is good to remember as much as possible the climate question in the many policies that Cittadinanzattiva deals;
  • Similarly, for an organization of civic participation, to approach the issue of climate change in an isolated way would be meaningless, since it concerns everyone, at all latitudes of the planet. Hence the membership network, preferably with an international, and research partnerships.
  • We need a cultural investment in the long term to hope for tangible results, which suggests to identify as favored target the younger generation, students in general and young people as agents of change.

On the basis of these considerations, on the topic of climate change Cittadinanzattiva has launched a series of activities, described briefly below.

  • Project activities at national and international level:
  • Climate Bank: you save money, the planet breathes”, first project in Italy of direct participation of citizens in the reduction of greenhouse gases (2003/2005).
  • Isolating”. The commitment of Cittadinanzattiva on the issue of energy savings is based on the awareness that in order to contribute effectively to the fight against climate change, as well as the constant and inexorable rise in energy costs of the Italians, it is necessary to intervene in the daily behavior and all those "good practices "that every citizen can put in place. For this reason, in 2008 Cittadinanzattiva adhered to "Isolating", national campaign of information about savings opportunities that efficient thermal insulation of the buildings can lead to (2008).
  • Young ideas for Europe”, European project that, in two editions, had the aim to involve young students to the debate on Europe, giving them the chance to share their visions on the future of the Union, with special reference, in the second edition, to energy policy and climate change in Europe (2010/2012)

The common denominator of these planning activities has been our ongoing commitment in raising awareness in particular the younger generation. As an example,:

Over the years, the Coalition has organized a series of exhibitions and events to raise awareness to which Cittadinanzattiva also participated. As an example, remember:

  • Since 2011, Cittadinanzattiva is one of the partnersConnect4Climate (C4C), initiative for global cooperation on climate change sponsored by the World Bank. Connect4Climate was founded with the goal of increasing awareness about the causes and consequences of climate change through the establishment of a forum of social responsibility and dialogue involving young people all over the world, and a photo contest on climate change in African continent. For more details, read:
  • the project tab;
  • article Climate: young people ad agents of change
  • Development of communication initiatives and awareness events in conjunction with an international character, with particular reference to:
  • World day for the environmentente (in June). For example, click here:
  • European Mobility Week (in September). The slogan for 2013, "Clean Air! It's your move ", in Italian" Aria pulita! Ora tocca a te ", aims at raising citizens about the link between motorized traffic and air pollution in urban areas, highlighting the active role that each citizen can have in improving air quality through their own mobility choices. A quiz for citizens has been planned, a useful guide for the passengers and the collection of good practices, all activities promoted within the European Project Mobility, a paradigm of European citizenship, from Active Citizenship Network, the European network of Cittadinanzattiva, official partner of the European Mobility Week.
  • Global mobilization "Global Strike For Future". From the North to the South of Italy, the local communities of Cittadinanzattiva have joined the climate march that has involved students and citizens from all over the world in a single message addressed to the ruling class: so that they will be active to develop a new model to defend our planet - the only planet that we have available to live. View the press review whose spoke about us: Rieti, Asti, Sciacca. (March 2019).


(last updated: August 2013)

Mariano Votta
Mariano Votta, nettunese classe '72, con fiere origini lucane. Laurea in scienze politiche, 2 master, iscritto all'Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti.Responsabile delle politiche europee di Cittadinanzattiva e coordinatore di Active Citizenship Network. Componente della Direzione Nazionale.


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