trenitalia 2015 02 19

Satisfaction with the local public transport is decreasing; lost luggage is the first concern for passengers using air transport. Delays, poor hygiene, lack of safety, cancelled flights, suspended trains and suppressed bus routes: these are the main complaints from citizens on national and local transport. 
There have been growing issues with local transport (total: 26.3%; 8.3% more compared to 2012) and sea transport (total: 9.2%; 6.7% more compared to 2012). Instead there has been a decrease of 13.9% on air travels (total: 43.4%) and no change on the rail transport (total: 21.1%).

Air transport
About a third of the problems reported by citizens are flight delays (23% less compared to 2012), lost luggage (total: 30%; 20% more compared to 2012) and 25% onflight cancellation. Alitalia is the most "criticized" air company, although this largely depends on the fact that it has signed an agreement on alternative dispute resolutions with consumer associations to better manage the complaints.

Local public transport
Complaints are increasing on poor hygiene conditions (total: 20%; 7% more compared to 2012); fines (total: 10%; 3% less than 2012), lack of timely buses (total: 45%; 12% more compared to 2012) and lack of buses (total: 10%; 10% less compared to 2012). Instead at 5%  there are complaints on the architectural barriers, customer service and the condition of the stops.

Rail transport
One fourth of the complaints are on train delays, fines (10.8% more than 2012) and rising costs. Instead, complaints on refunds, lack of services and sanitation amounted to 12.5%, followed by architectural barriers (6.3%).

In order to promote the local public transport, Cittadinanzattiva proposes to:reintroduce the reductions on the monthly transport subscriptions; brainstorm different rates  and  time periods for the tickets; coordinate the mobility system as a single service, such as designing one Quality Card for all the services; favor a merger of the local public transport companies; give substance to the Italian Law which encourages the participation of citizens for the evaluation of services.

Download the Report (IT version)

Classe '88, Laureata in Relazioni Internazionali alla John Cabot University e Master in Sviluppo Internazionale alla University of Manchester. Stagista ad Active Citizenship Network, la sezione Europea di Cittadinanzattiva. Appassionata di: arte, cibo e diritti umani, "For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." (Nelson Mandela)


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